Game Storyline
“Shut Up and Dance” is the story of a young man’s life taking a turn for the worse and everything going downhill instantly. A beloved person dies under suspicious circumstances, and in the blink of an eye, the life you’re used to is gone – a cozy home, not having to worry about money or food on the table, paying for your academic studies.
Your carefree life – everything gone in a heartbeat. As it stands now, there seems no way out of this, so you leave school and start working to help your folks cope with the situation – financially and emotionally.
Until out of the blue, our protagonist receives an exciting job offer from an unexpected quarter that promises to improve things. But is it going to be a curse or a blessing? Well, that will be up to you as you call the shots and make the decisions.
Version Changelog
Ep.6 RE SE:
- 836 still images | 649 in Regular version.
- 28 animations | 21 in Regular version.
- Edits in previous episodes.
- Reworked gallery (Special thanks to the66).
- Code improvements.
Game Images
Shut Up and Dance [Ep.6 RE SE] Boring Games Download Links