Divided: A Story of two Lovers [v0.1] MochingMochi

Download the complete game file of Divided: A Story of two Lovers 100% free. Developer Team released a game called Divided: A Story of two Lovers on patreon platform. If you are searching for a working game file that’s available for multiple devices (Windows, Linux, Mac) then you’re in the right place.

Game Details

Operating System:Windows, Mac
Game Details

Game Srory Line

Growing up in a peaceful village named Calwen, your life has been pretty uneventful. The old folks in the village always talked about the “Disaster of the Millenium”, a war between the two kingdoms Malesburo and Flatense that once tore apart the continent of Fladenar. Calwen was the main stage of the battle and the once prospering village was reduced to a small settlement.

You never paid too much attention to these stories of the war and continued living the quite life in the village, side by side with your beautiful partner. Those times were seemingly going to continue on forever and after all this time, your marriage proposal got accepted. You were on an all time high, however, fate had enough of your shit and decided to intervene.

The very next day after your proposal, the mayor of the village calls you and gives you a mission that will determine the fate on every person living on Fladenar. Will you be able to change fate with your very own hands?​

Game Images

Divided: A Story of two Lovers [v0.1] MochingMochi Download Links


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