In the Shadow of the Versipellis [Alpha Demo P1] Moose Shadow/Civis-Rasa

Download the complete game file of In the Shadow of the Versipellis 100% free. Developer Team released a game called In the Shadow of the Versipellis on patreon platform. If you are searching for a working game file that’s available for multiple devices (Windows, Linux, Mac) then you’re in the right place.

Game Details

Developer:Moose Shadow/Civis-Rasa
Operating System:Windows, Linux, Mac
Game Details

Game Srory Line

Throughout history we’ve heard stories about strange and terrifying creatures. Those that change their shape by the moonlight, suck the blood of the innocent or lure the unsuspecting to their death. In the modern age, these creatures are purely fantasy.

Or are they? For countless generations an organization known as the APS (Anomalous Protection Society) has secretly walked a path between the human world and that of the anomalous. Its goal is to protect humans from harm and to preserve the existence of these rare anomalies. A balance that’s not easily kept.

Game Images

In the Shadow of the Versipellis Download Links


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